Our company is  "U-Study " 

The innovative concept is that we are the first in Hong Kong to combine "Self-study room" with "Martial arts classes" (shared learning space) for 24 hours operation, promoting the idea of "Work hard and Play hard" and the concept of Life Balance. Sports and Knowlege.  Power and Wisdom. Martial Arts and Books.  

創新的概念,我們是全港第一間把"自修室"和"拳擊課程"結合起來24小時營業的(共享學習室), 提倡"努力工作,盡情玩樂" 的平衡生活態度. 運動與知識, 力量與智慧, 武術與書本.

12:00 am- 6:00pm.  Co-Study space

7:00pm-11:00pm. Martial Arts courses